Dr. Sean McDeavitt, Associate Vice Chancellor for National Laboratories Named to Texas Advanced Nuclear Reactor Working Group
Texas Advanced Nuclear Reactor Working Group Named
FAQs Added to PUCT Nuclear Working Group Webpage
Austin, Texas – The members of the Public Utility Commission of Texas’ (PUCT) Texas Advanced
Nuclear Reactor Working Group were announced today. The working group was established Aug.
16, 2023, at the direction of Governor Greg Abbott and operates under the leadership of PUCT
Commissioner Jimmy Glotfelty.
“These experts are leaders in nuclear energy, business, and academia and will be instrumental as
we chart a path forward for advanced nuclear technology in Texas,” Glotfelty said. “The diversity
and depth of their expertise will help us deliver a comprehensive and actionable plan to make our
state the leader in nuclear energy. I thank each of them for their willingness to participate and
serve the interests of Texas consumers.”
The members of the Texas Advanced Nuclear Reactor Working Group, along with Commissioner
Glotfelty, are:
Dillon Allen, Senior Manager of Advanced Nuclear Development, Entergy
Chrissy Borskey, Senior Executive Director, Government Affairs and Policy, GE Vernova/GE Hitachi
Bret Colby, Principal, Nuclear Oversight, CPS Energy
Ryan Duncan, Director of Government Relations, Last Energy
Derek Haas, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
Maynard Holt, CEO, Veriten
Mike Kotara, President, Zachry Sustainability Solutions
Stephanie Matthews, Executive Vice President, Texas Association of Business
Sean McDeavitt, Associate Vice Chancellor, National Laboratories Office, Texas A&M University
Andy Meyers, Ft. Bend County Commissioner
Andy Nguyen, Director of Wholesale Market Development, Constellation
Preeti Patel, Associate Commercial Director, Dow
Benjamin Reinke, Vice President of Global Business Development, X-Energy
Doug Robison, CEO, Natura
Clayton Scott, Executive Vice President of Business Development, Pearl/NuScale
Jim Stanway, Senior Strategist, Samsung
Pablo Vegas, CEO, Electric Reliability Council of Texas
Along with working group members, additional experts in fields relating to nuclear energy
development, deployment, and distribution will join this effort on subgroups to ensure the full
spectrum of ideas and options can be considered.
The working group will evaluate how advanced nuclear reactors can provide safe, reliable, and
affordable power for Texas. Areas of study include safety advancements, financial incentives,
state, and federal regulatory impediments to growth, permitting processes, and impacts to the
Texas electric market. The working group must report its findings and recommendations to
Governor Abbott by Dec. 1, 2024.
Additional information can be found on the Texas Advanced Nuclear Reactor Working Group web
page, including frequently asked questions and information about upcoming public working group
meetings as they are scheduled.
About the Public Utility Commission
Our mission is to serve Texans by regulating the state’s electric, telecommunication, and water
and sewer utilities, implementing respective legislation, and offering customer assistance in
resolving consumer complaints. Since its founding in 1975, the Commission has a long and proud
history of service to Texas, protecting customers, fostering competition, and promoting high
quality infrastructure. To learn more, please visit https://www.puc.texas.gov.
Contact: Ellie Breed