The Texas A&M University System is uniquely positioned to make significant academic research contributions to national security with an emphasis on nuclear security. As one of the largest higher education systems in the nation, with an annual budget of $6.3 billion and more than 151,000 students and eight state agencies, the Texas A&M System has made significant investments in national security research, testing and evaluation facilities, and support staff.
The Texas A&M System has a long history steeped in military tradition and remains committed to public service and serving the greater good. Through research, education and service, the system is committed to supporting the security of our nation.
The breadth, depth and complexity of the Texas A&M System enables it to work effectively and efficiently with the Nuclear Security Enterprise. From operating a Testing, Research, Isotopes, General Atomics (TRIGA) research reactor, to high explosives research and hands-on high explosives operational training, the Texas A&M System has established extensive industry partnerships, from the large governmental initiatives to small businesses, and actively seeks collaborators and partners in its national security education, research and training activities.