Centaur (Center for Excellence in Nuclear Training and University Based Research) Meets the Labs!
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM–Tuesday, November 10, 4 pm EDT, 1 pm PDT
Join via Zoom: https://tamu.zoom.us/j/97951030735?pwd=cnFmSStGODZuSHBDQ1lTZEFVd1RRZz09
In this series, we will hear ~15 minute talks from each scientist on their research, followed by an informal Q&A. This series is for graduate students and post-doctoral researchers to learn more about life at national laboratories.
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Virtual Career Fair
11 a.m. – 3 p.m. ET on October 29, 2020 DOE_WDTS_VirtualCareerFair_Oct2020
The Virtual Career Fair is being held by the DOE Office of Science’s Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS) program as an opportunity for students to learn about DOE-supported internship programs at the DOE National Laboratories, have their questions answered by lab staff and DOE program managers, and chat with research mentors and previous internship participants.
Virtual Career Fair- Veterans in STEM Programs- Register HERE
The Office of Veteran Services and National Laboratories Office of the Texas A&M University System are co-hosting this unique, Nuclear Security Enterprise (NSE) virtual career fair aimed at veterans (everyone from active duty to retired) in STEM programs. This 2-part event will begin with a virtual panel session featuring technical representatives from multiple NSE labs, plants and sites. Following the panel, students will continue with 1:1 video chats with representatives.
The DOE Isotope Program’s Virtual Seminar Series
On the Horizon: Novel Isotopes and Future Leaders
This presentation opportunity will allow for junior scientist to showcase their research results to various Federal staff and members of the isotope community including DOE, National Laboratory researchers and various institutes of higher education. The series will begin with a kickoff session on August 6th with following presentations every 2 weeks.
To register as an attendee, please complete the form at
To submit an abstract for an opportunity to present, complete the form https://nationallabsoffice.tamus.edu/doe-isotope-programs-virtual-seminar-series-abstracts/.
Texas A&M University Engineering Virtual Graduate Career Fair
July 28th-29th, 2020- Save the date for the 2020 Virtual Graduate Fair – Texas A&M Engineering Online and the Graduate Programs Office has partnered with the Texas A&M System’s National Laboratories Office to host an exclusive virtual graduate fair. If you ‘re interested in pursuing higher education while also working for a top-notch employer, you won’t want to miss this. There will also be an opportunity to learn more about our non-degree professional development options. TAMU Graduate Engineering Virtual Fair
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Virtual Career Fair
Learn how to jump start your career with PNNL! Visit one of the 4 interest areas virtually July 21st-29th, 2020. For more information, flyer is available here. PNNL Virtual Career Fair Flyer 2020
INMM Workshop: Policy and Technical Fundamentals of International Nuclear Safeguards
WHEN: Sunday, July 12, 2020 from 2:30pm-5:45pm EST
WHERE: Online in conjunction with the Annual INMM Meeting
WHO & WHAT: This workshop will provide participants with a basic overview of nuclear safeguards, including:
- the nuclear fuel cycle
- safeguards treaties and legal issues
- safeguards approaches
- safeguards application for nuclear facilities
- nuclear material control and accounting
The majority of the coursework for the workshop will be completed online with a half-day virtual panel session to be conducted at the Annual Meeting of the INMM. This is an excellent opportunity for students to receive a sound foundation in safeguards and interact with some of the world experts in the field.
ANTICIPATED SPEAKERS: Jill Cooley, Shirley Johnson, Dunbar Lockwood, Therese Renis, Laura Rockwood, and Michael Whitaker
ONLINE MODULES: Participants will complete the following online modules offered by the Center for Nuclear Security Science and Policy Initiatives (NSSPI) at Texas A&M University:
- Introduction to Nuclear Security and Safeguards
- The Nuclear Fuel Cycle
- Introductory Statistics
- Nuclear Material Accountancy
- Containment and Surveillance
- Spent Nuclear Fuel Safeguards
- Uranium Enrichment Safeguards
- Applied Statistics for Safeguards
LIVE SESSION: The virtual panel session will consist of speakers giving additional lectures on a number of topics related to international safeguards, with time allotted for a panel discussion and for addressing questions posed by the participants. The speakers are international safeguards experts and professionals with current or recent experience in policy, technical implementation, and/or inspections.
CREDIT: Upon completion of both the online and face-to-face portions of the workshop, participants will be awarded 3 continuing education units from Texas A&M University, along with a professional certificate issued by the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station.
Participants completing the entire program will earn 3 CEUS and a Professional Certificate
Student Scholarships– there will be a set number of scholarships available to waive the registration cost. If you are interested, email Kelly Ragusa (kelleyragusa@tamu.edu) for details and requirements.
For more information, see our flyer.
Registration will be done through the INMM website.
2020 Summer Online REU Program
The Online Research Experience for Undergraduates (O-REU) program at Texas A&M University is a fully remote, summer 2020 research program for undergraduate students. The program runs from May 26 to August 7 with no residency requirement or face-to-face meetings.
O-REU features
- Individualized mentorship of students by faculty from Texas A&M University and technical staff members from Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratory
- Online technical training in computation, simulation/modeling, machine learning, and other topics
- Community events, including technical presentations by students, an online seminar series, virtual lab tours and more
- Preparation for post-graduate activities, especially for applying to graduate programs
Out of nearly 200 applicants, summer sponsorships have been provided to 58 students from across the United States. We are grateful to all of our sponsors:
- National Science Foundation
- REU Site: Multifunctional Materials, funded under award no. 1852535
- Multi-Information Source Value of Information Based Design of Multiphase Structural Materials, funded under award no. 1663130
- DMREF: Collaborative Research: Accelerated Development of Damage Tolerant and Oxidation Resistant Alumina-Forming MAX Phases, funded under award no. 1729350
- CC* Team: SWEETER — SouthWest Expertise in Expanding, Training, Education and Research, funded under award no. 1925764
- Center for Research Excellence on Dynamically Deformed Solids (CREDDS)
- Funded by the Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, under Award No. DE-NA0003857
- Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Nuclear Security Administration