User Facilities
There are facilities located at the National Laboratories available to researchers regardless of existing research partnerships. We advocate for this opportunity to further research endeavors where facilities are not internally available. More information about Department of Energy User Facilities at our National Labs can be found using their Lab Partnering Service.
Master Agreements
A select few universities have master agreements with U.S. Department of Energy national labs. Those held by The Texas A&M University System (TAMUS) reflect a trusted relationship between us and the labs, as well as clear acknowledgement that the TAMUS can perform at appropriate professional levels.
These master agreements also help to establish connection between professionals in the industry with the next generation workforce, our students.
Los Alamos National Laboratory/Triad National Security, LLC
Pantex Plant/Y‑12 National Security Complex/Consolidated Nuclear Security LLC
Idaho National Laboratory/Battelle Energy Alliance LLC
Savannah River National Laboratory
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory/Battelle Pacific Northwest Division
Sandia National Laboratories/National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
Brookhaven National Laboratory (joint appointments only)
International Research Collaboration Guidance
The Texas A&M University System embraces a culture of excellence which values diversity and an environment that promotes innovation and creativity in research. For more information about connecting abroad please contact us.